but why would his sexuality affect his ability to govern the state?

It wouldn't. It's a smokescreen. And if your response is any indication, it's working.

His sexuality has nothing to do with anything, and, in fact, word had been leaking out for quite some time that he was gay.

But he didn't just announce he was gay. He announced that he had a gay extramarital affair.

But even still, the affair is not what he's REALLY resigning over. Reports are that his "mister" (is that the equivalent of mistress?) is going to file suit for sexual harassment.

But wait! There's more! "McGreedy" and many of his staff are the subjects of corruption investigations, including the prostitute situation Paul alluded to above.

So I'd say the guy has plenty of reasons to resign. And why is he doing it now, instead of holding on until the bitter end? Well, it seems to me there's a rather important election coming up in November, and since "McGreedy" is a Democrat, it's better to have it explode now than closer to the election when it could send some votes over to the right.

Yeah, he's done. If I were his loved ones, I'd keep him away from belts, ties, and shoelaces for awhile.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff