You need to read the FAQ entry more carefully. From your description, you're clearly just using a cable rummaged from an old PC, perhaps an 80-conductor cable, even. You're missing the part of the FAQ that says:

You can't use just any cable; if the length isn't correct, the shock-mount tray might not be free to move properly. The only ways to get a proper replacement are to crimp one yourself, order one from support, or order one from Eutronix.

Ah, I rummaged up a standard notebook IDE cable from my parts dept. It's a standard 44 pin cable like this
And anyway, why are you needing to replace the cable? There's pictures of how to fix the loose crimps there.
I somehow lost the cable in between moving drives from one empeg to another.
Again, you're not reading through that FAQ entry carefully.
Sorry, I must have glossed over that. Thanks for the assist