Where I live in the wilds of North Yorkshire, fairly long power cuts are a reasonably common occurence, for instance whilst we were taking a week in Holland for the meet, my PC shut down in the thunder storms on the Wednesday night.
The PC in question, records between 8 and 11 hours of radio a week, either from DAB, or digital terrestial TV. If I'm away for 3 weeks, it'll carry on making the same schedule of recordings each week.
I've got power back up, but most cuts are outside its limitations and the PC shuts down.
Is there anyway that I can get the PC to reboot when power is restored?
The only way I can think of is to connect a relay across the "on" button, which sends a pulse through a delay circuit a few seconds after power is restored.
However, I'm loathe to open up the PC and introduce one of my ham fisted bits of circuitry and soldering, if a perfectly good solution exists.
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag