Wow, well I didn't *really* mean to kill this thread as dead as I did. Maybe I didn't. Maybe it was already played out. I have to admit part of me was looking to inject a little distraction. I'm actually a bit surprised at lengthy discussion about Flight 77. I mean where *else* did it go? There's some philosophical construct that comes to mind...Occam's Razor?, not really....hmmm.
It also occurred to me as I was about to hit the "Submit" button that I was employing a hijacking....metasimile? my post (without any particular initial intent) as we approach the 3rd anniversary of 9/11. So I thought "Should I take that out?" but then just hit submit. That was conscious and maybe a little hangover from reading "Imperial Hubris". This probably isn't making *too* much sense, but if I start another semi-incoherent thread about yellow ribbons, that's what that is all about.
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.