there will be a use for both serial port comm and /proc/empeg_notify in the near future.

There has been a use for one for like the last 18 months or more. GPSapp wanted a serial port and didn't give a rat's a... about injecting buttons to the player, while palantir didn't need a serial port ever.

Presumably the kernel needs to
1) catch opens of the serial port from the player and fake success
and then
2) send i/o from /proc/empeg_notify to the opened "serial port" the player has.

This would actually be easier to look at and do if I weren't severely demoralized by everything I touch failing to work, something which has been going on for about the last 8 days (and before that I was so busy as to not have time; I am actually just as crushed, but have stopped making forward progress on anything, making things even better.)