Ever try Delphi.. it has all the advantages you mention and it's portable to Linux...
Delphi is by far the best development experience I've ever had, which is why I'd be considered a Delphi expert (I've worked with every version but Delphi 8). However, it is becomming more and more difficult to find jobs for Delphi programmers, not to mention Delphi 8 looks and feels just like Visual Studio .net. Making the switch from Delphi to C# has not been difficult at all, as a lot of the .net components are very remenicent of the VCL.

So after many years of blissfully working with Delphi, I'm throwing in the towel and moving to C#. It's a better language than Pascal, both are doing .net these days, and it's easier to find .net jobs than Delphi. I still miss the Borland editor, but for the most part I haven't been too dissapointed.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.