I posted here last night, but for some reason it didn't show up this morning...

Anyways, I am the one who emailed you, Mike...The jEmplode 61 software fixes all the issues with copying tags over from the Central to the Empeg!!!! Even the rid which is stored in the Comment field, it's all there...I've been copying by Artist, and was all the way up to "S" before 61 came out, but my copying last night and this morning is perfect...I'll have to fix up a bit of the tags from my previous copying efforts, but that's not a problem....

This is great news, and the new version of jEmplode will make my life a whole bunch easier in my Empeg setup...

Thanks a bunch for your jEmplode efforts!

PS: I fired up Hyperterminal this morning to watch during the copy process. I've had a few unexplained lockups during my copying sessions that would require a reboot of the Central and the Empeg, but could never really pin down what the cause was.

I am getting some error messages on the HyperTerm window that are copied below. These messages show up at the end of the song copy during the "Update [Artist]" section just before the next song copy starts...It seems to be working out to one error message with every 2-4 songs copied...The copy process seems to be working, however, it's just that I experience a lockup on the process every so often...Any ideas? Thanks, Randy

kftpd: ksock_rw(response) failed, rc=0