It has nothing to do with HMO. It has totally to do with the fact that DirecTiVo users have been running the same outdated software for years, and there's no reason to suspect that we'll ever see any new features.
I got the wonderful 'feature' on my DTiVo where a certain SW version would cause one of the two tuners to go to black screen and only record audio after a few seconds. That was annoying as I found out what it was doing two days after it started. 
A search of the TiVo forums pointed me to a link to request an immediate (within 24 hours) force update and all is well. So they are pushing out new software, but no new features tha I know of, just bugs...
Dave Clark
Georgetown, Texas
MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX