Thanks for your efforts Tony. I totally agree in this being totally convoluted.

I did all this successfully in the past, but now I'm not at home (which is why I don't have a serial cable) and I am doing all over again. I completely forgot everything. I am going to write a doc for the windows users, hoing it helps, and give it to you to put in the FAQ, if you agree.

Anyway, here's what I did so far (I made some progress, and I need to complete this hopefully by tonight):

1) Got the upgrader_0.8_cygwin.exe file attached by Mataglap (IIRC) in this board. I found and lost it Here is the versione 0.6
0.8 must be somewhere else on the board.

2) Got the cygwin1.dll

I now need ncftpput and gunzip. They have to be in path in order to make the whole thing work. I think I found ncftpput here: . I downloaded and installed the win32 version, and from the installation dir I took ncftpput.exe and put it in path.

I am now lookin for gunzip. Hopefully I'll succeed. I'll post as I'm done...
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg