Heh. I got an earful on this one from my GYN last week when I went to go get my love control prescription refilled. She recently dropped the OB part of her practice, along with the reproductive endocrinology and infertility treatment (malpractice suits weren't even the main reason for this, they did cause her to stop doing tubal ligations a few years back tho).

I doubt this has a damn thing to do with gathering votes from gyn's at all. Seems like smoke and mirrors from shrub and his ilk to try and divert attention from all his tiny baby steps inching towards overturning Roe v Wade , less they come into a brighter light. More like a sad attempt to garner more votes from women, because almost every fundie knows all we care about is catching a good wallet, I mean husband, and reproducing. The fact that this charming bill , has passed the house not once, but twice during this administration (107th congress HR 4691 as well) without much notice is really frightening. It's so broad in it's alleged "clarification" of existing law, it allows any healthcare provider (anyone from a physician to an HMO) the right to deny any woman anything that can be an abortifacient (broad enough term to include antiboitics among many other drugs) regardless of the wishes of the patient. There is no mention of any obligation to do so in cases that may prove fatal to a woman, merely legal protection for the health care provider in question. It's also so broad in it's scope as to allow pharmacists to deny women birth control as well. Hopefully it dies in the senate again. It's good to know the government wants to give everyone else so much control over my crotch. We all need more people to make such private and deeply personal choices for us, regardless of how repulsive we my find their beliefs.

But what else could you expect from the pro-censorship, anti-choice, and middle class welfare, I mean family values crowd. A half assed speech rambling on and on about how much you allegedly give a fsck about OB/GYN's is a nice diversion for your real agenda for women, relegating us back into being cunts for breeding and cunts for fscking, because after all, that's what's good for us and what we as a nation need.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony