
I have not purchased a pinball machine, but I have done a bit of research into it when looking for my current arcade machines. I would strongly recommend a google search - there are a lot of very good FAQ lists for buying new, used and reconditioned pinball and arcade games. Twilight Zone Link

The price sounds a bit high, but the prices may be higher in the UK than the US. It is also varies widely with the title and condition of the game.

As for other advice, test everything possible. Test all lights, all bumpers, all mechanical and electronic devices in the playfield. Make sure that the field / fields are not damaged or warped. Any visible wear patterns should be fairly obvious on the machine, but watch that they do not interfere with game play. Find out if it is still coin operated, token (get the tokens with the game) or set to free play.

As for the place, watch to see about free delivery, on site testing and potentially repair. Will the conpany service and maintain the machine for you? Will you need to get parts and are they available. Given the titles that you mention sound fairly collectable, it should not be as hard to get parts for them as a more obscure machine might...

You might also want to check out some of the more common part vendors (like Happ for example), to see if they have any stock parts available for your machine.

Do not let the research and testing change your mind about the idea. Having a game in your new house is a lot of fun! It will take up space and require maintenance like anything else, but it is a great way to unwind after a long day or for parties.

EDIT: Link edited. I had a generic link there before for the TZ game, but a bit of tracking found a UK supplier that specializes in this title (#1 seller) and has a great FAQ for purchasing and maintaining games...