On 22nd September, I will be one of 30 people abseiling down the side of the 244m Canary Wharf Tower (1 Canada Square) in London's Docklands to raise money for the Lord Mayor of London's appeal.

You can donate online by credit or debit card at the following address: http://www.justgiving.com/paulwalker or you can send me or give me cash or a cheque.

All donations made on the JustGiving website are secure and sent electronically to London Symphony Orchestra Endowment Trust, Lord Mayor's Appeal. If you are a UK taxpayer, Justgiving will add an automatic 28% bonus to your donation at no cost to you. Please join me in supporting London Symphony Orchestra Endowment Trust, Lord Mayor's Appeal and a fabulous cause!

Many thanks

Mk2a RioCar 120Gb - now sold to the owner of my old car
Rio Karma - now on ebay...