I was rather snippy sounding here when you quite possibly were offering a "reasonable natural ordering" rather than stating that this was the "right" ordering
Naw, you weren't snippy at all. On the other hand, I was stating that it was the "right" ordering, and no other opinions are valid, because I'm always right.

One other interesting thing to note is that the only tag guaranteed to be filled in is title, so if people don't fill in track #'s and the default is to order tracks by # by default, they're kind of out of luck.
Right. So in that case, the software wouldn't have anything better to go on, and would have no choice but to go by the Title field.
I'm just saying that programs which sort songs (and I don't mean yours specifically. I mean, Centrals, Ipods, Karmas, whatever) should default to track number for ordering if it's available. Alphabetical track ordering is just one of my pet peeves.