Here is what I've done to resolve the problem. Downloaded my collection to my PC, updated all the tags, ran the files through an mp3 scanner to verify their integrity (mp3Trim), uploaded them back to my player, deleted the metadata, resync'd (3x?), opened up the case and checked the IDE cable to the HD (looks fine, snug fit). I don't know what else to do.

That's a very good set of intial diagnostic procedures, good work.

Is my player dying a slow death?

No, but its hard disk may be. The "95 percent" thing is because it's trying to do read-ahead caching (reading other songs) as it's nearing the end of the current song. The problem isn't with the song it's playing right now, the problem is with one of the upcoming songs I'll bet.

The problem could be a dying hard disk, or it could just be one bad track that you missed when doing the above procedure you described.

First, check for all of the other possible issues with the hard disk that are listed here. There's like a dozen things on that list, you tested only one of them (loose cable).

Next, there are a couple ways to check for sure whether it's a bad track. 1. Play a smaller sub-playlist, such as just one album, and see if you still get the same "95 percent" error. 2. Wipe the disk clean with the builder utility, reinstall the software, and then upload only a handful of tracks to the player. See if they play. If all is well, keep adding tracks in batches until you get the error again (if you even do).

Before going to all that trouble, though, you might just want to see if a simple FSCK takes care of it.
Tony Fabris