I have had this happen exactly once and I'm unable to reproduce it. But I was wondering if the Empeg guys (or anyone else) had seen it before.

I pulled the Empeg out of the car this morning the way I always do: Turn the volume down, hold the top button to put it into sleep mode, then yank it out of the dash. (I know I don't have to do those things before pulling it, but I prefer to have it restart in sleep mode at a lower volume when I put it back in the car.)

Then I brought it into my desk at work and plugged it in. I always plug in all the cables including serial and usb just in case I want to fiddle with it at some point during the day.

It booted correctly, went through all the normal bootup screens, then dropped into sleep mode as expected.

But then I pressed a button to wake it up and start it playing, and it did something really strange: The screen went completely white (all the pixels turned on), but at a very low VFD refresh rate. It looked kind of "shimmery" or "wavy". I know it wasn't a malfunctioning visual because the chosen visual was "Rorschach". Very strange.

Simply pulling the power plug and rebooting the unit solved the problem and it's working fine now.

Has anyone else had this happen to them?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris