The more I look at it the more I think you're right ... If you look at the printer on top fo the stand in the front, the printer appears to be at a slightly different angle than the stand it's sitting on. That and there's a puff of smoke coming from the fence on the grassy knoll in the background ...
Most of it looks fabricated (at least to me it does). To me it looks like the only things that were in the original picture are the man and the main part of the machine. It looks to me like the wheel, "monitor" (which looks like a TV from a 50's advertisement), and the printer and stand are all fake.
Come to think of it, that wheel could be real. Is it possible that the bulk of the "computer" is part of a submarine?
It's still funny, but if it is fake, I'm sure there are real examples of this type...just probably not with a steering wheel 
Edited by DiGNAN17 (20/09/2004 13:50)