I haven't used eBay in a very long time but recently won two auctions. The first item was supposed to be a John Deere garden windmill (I admit to collecting John Deere items) but was in fact just a look-a-like. I gave the seller 6 days to answer my email about being dissatisfied but he never returned it so I left him some negative feedback today. When you go to do this they make you feel like a horrible person for doing so without jumping through hoops to call them or go to arbitration or what not first. Well I'm sorry but it's the sellers fault in the first place and I have other things to do with my time without having to try and track the guy down. I made an effort and that was enough as far as I'm concerned.

The other item I got from another seller I was happy with but I also received another box for something that was supposed to have gone to New York. I tried contacting that seller to inform them but never received an answer back from them either. If the item was so cheap that me shipping it back to them wasn't worth it, they could have at least thanked me for my honesty and have told me to keep it.

Neither seller left me feedback though I paid within minutes of the auctions ending. Needless to say, it will be a very long time before I feel the urge to buy anything else off of eBay.

MKI #017/90
