Who misses their seccond mouse button?

I don't know about missing the second button when using a Mac, since I've not used one much.

I'll tell you this, though -- I sure as hell miss my scroll wheel when I'm forced to use a mouse without one. So I'm pretty sure that I'd miss the second button, too.

On the other hand, it can go too far the other way -- the mouse I've currently got at work has 6 buttons on it (if you include the wheel-click), and I've not used 3 of them yet.

And, as far as resolution goes, as a developer, I need all of the screen real-estate I can get, regardless of physical size. At home, I have two monitors, one 19" at 1600x1200, and a 15" at 1280x1024. If only LCDs were available in those resolutions at that size.
-- roger