OGG Vorbis rules.

Just for the heck of it, I downloaded a Win32 command-line version of the Ogg encoder yesterday just to play around with it. I found a couple of problems with it. Since you seem to be an expert, what do you think of these things?:

- I couldn't get it to work on any of my ripped wave files, it complained of an unrecognized format in the wav header. I don't understand this since every single other piece of audio editing software that I own doesn't have any problems with my ripped files.

- I noticed that the encoder only lets me tag artist, album, title, and comment. No fields for genre or year. When looking for information about the Ogg format at their web site, they talk about how flexible the tagging options are, but they don't give any details on how the files are tagged.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris