I figured it was legit, I was just wondering if it's a new technique that NASA came up with.

From your link:
So-called "PROTO" imaging is now relatively routine. But in order to eke out the most possible resolution from the Mars Orbiter Camera, Malin Space Science Systems added another component of motion. "The 'c' in 'cPROTO' stands for planetary motion compensation. While Mars Global Surveyor is pitching, rolling, and moving along its orbit, Mars is rotating underneath it (just as Earth is rotating right now, as you read this, such that the Sun, Moon, and stars appear to move in the sky). The pitch and roll of Mars Global Surveyor are timed in such a way as to account for the rotation of Mars, as well as the desired image resolution and target location."

Edited by SE_Sport_Driver (29/09/2004 01:12)
Brad B.