I got a loaner phone. It didn't really make a difference. Thanks for letting me know about it, though.
So it's pretty certain that I don't get good reception from T-Mobile in my home (and a lot of other places). Additionally, my phone is simply glitchy when it comes to using my bluetooth headset, and it's generally a poor PDA. Therefore, I think I'll probably be starting over from scratch.
I am beginning with the following in mind
* it appears that the only carrier that can deliver reception in my home is Verizon
* I now realize that I don't like convergence devices - I'll be going with a phone and a PDA
* I will keep my bluetooth headset
This brings up several new problems that I can't seem to solve by a simple internet surf:
* the biggest problem is that Verizon has crap for phones. finding CDMA 800/1900 phones with bluetooth has been difficult
* the other problem is that I've become accustomed to checking my email and browsing the web on the go. all other carriers charge a completely obscene amount for this priviledge. I don't want a phone that can view this stuff, but it would be cool to connect with a bluetooth PDA
So that's about it. I basically need to find a phone that will work with Verizon and a plan that might go with it. I've been losing my mind over all the different variables of this process. I'd appreciate any help from you folks here. Help me wrap my mind around this