I think the point of 16 is not to find a solution, but more like, "Do you make your tasks harder than need be?"

Or simpler than they need to be? This is Google labs, don't forget; if it were Microsoft labs I could believe they'd be satisfied with only bothering to get the trivial case right

The questions recrutiers ask, are often aimed at filtering out people for reasons not necessarily apparent in the question. Asking and engineer, "What catalog he selected a component from" is one such question. The point of the question isn't to discover what catalog he used, but if he even knows which catalogs to look in. A phony won't know.

edit> I still stand by what I said earlier. The problem as stated dosen't ask for a complex solution which will work for all solvable cases.

Edited by gbeer (06/10/2004 17:48)