320kps mp3s will fill up blank CDs pretty quick... Also, CD-Rs are more likely to get scratched. I could go on and on about how great the empeg's menus are compared to any mp3/CD deck out there, but I know you were asking about sound quality, not features.

The empeg has really nice Burr-Brown DA converters and a VERY nice parametric EQ.

Most aftermarket decks, with the exception of high end ones, distort as the volume reaches past 80% maximum volume, even when using RCA outputs. Because of this, an osciliscope is often needed to determine at what point the headunit begins to clip its signal. The empeg (and some very high end decks) do not distort as the volume reaches maximum output. It only clips the signal when you pass 0.0dB, but that is easy to disable. This another area when the empeg shines.

Other empeg sound features (with HiJack):
Automatic Volume Adjustment (Off, Low, Medium, High)
Left/Right Time Alignment (This feature kicks butt.)

Edited by SE_Sport_Driver (04/10/2004 21:57)
Brad B.