What, is this the Cadillac of hole punches?
Those stupid little black narrow things they sell as hole punchers today are ridiculous -- maybe you can get six sheets of paper into them, but there is no adjustability for depth, and when you try to actually make the punch it skids all over your desk and the paper gets crooked and...
The Wilson Jones hole punch weighs 8 or 10 pounds, has a large no-slip footprint, will take 30 sheets at a time, has a long lever for, ummm... leverage, and the one on my desk has been in use now for 25 years, probably averaging several hundred sheets of paper a day.
When I went to work for the company before the one where I work now (it is sort of the same company, I guess -- my present company bought the previous one) one of the conditions of my accepting the job was they had to buy me that paper punch. It is that good.
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"