l0ser: The project to recreate the buttons is well underway. Keep an eye on the General forum because I'll start a new thread to track the progress once everything is finalized and I send in my first payment (sort of the "no turning back" point).

Or maybe I should start it now. On Friday I got the color chips of the five colors they custom mixed for me. Red, blue, green, amber, and yes, smoke. I haven't gone over them in detail and tested them against the empeg lights, but they look pretty darn good. And they have a texture rougher than the original buttons which seems to diffuse light very well. I'll post pictures when I get a chance.

dbrashear: I used to hate the button flashing too, but using my prototype amber set, I hardly notice it. If I'm driving, I'm not looking at the empeg long enough to see them flash; only long enough to get my finger on the buttons, which is MUCH faster than fumbling in the dark for opaque buttons. And even if I'm at a traffic light, I can't see them flash because my hand is in the way.

Middle of December, that's the earliest I'll have the buttons ready to ship. Keep your fingers crossed and keep an eye on the (to be created) progress thread in General.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set