I'm all behind them. When Diamond bought Empeg they picked up that whole market sector on a plate -- the car-player was literally years ahead of anything else. (Even now, v2 has features that nothing else on the market has.) Since then, the successive owners of the car-player copyrights have utterly dropped the ball. year-in, year-out, displaying blistering incompetence and vertiginous indifference in equal proportions. I don't think Rio deserve to succeed in the car audio market after that. (Judging from their flash and portable players, the Iriver won't be gapless and its UI will suck. But there'll be lots of hardware features and it'll be better than nothing.)

Frankly, I'm good and cross. Within arm's reach of where I'm sitting now are technologies and code that could have kept Rio on top of the car audio market all this time, and put them all over the map into the home audio market (Roku schmoku). But nothing ever happens.
