Holy. Crap.

I've been a fan of Jon since the original "Jon Stewart Show" however many millions of years ago that aired. I catch the "Daily Show" when TiVo is so kind to grab it and love his comedy style. Sometimes I feel uneasy when his political beliefs become apparent while he's "interviewing" people with opposing views. But he's always at least congenial on the "Daily Show."

This was... just.. Wow. I always knew he was pretty quick on his feet and appreciate his self-depreciating sense of humor, but... Wow. The man has teeth and took a huge bite out of these "Crossfire" guys. I wish he hadn't lost it and called Bow-Tie boy a "dick", but I can't really blame him. I am always surprised by the importance of some of the guests that appear on the Daily Show, knowing it's a comedy show and that Jon is looking for a laugh. Can you blame the guy for appearing on a supposed serious news show and being treated like he should be a "clown"?

Wow... thanks for the link... I think I'm going to pick up the America book on Monday now.
Brian H. Johnson
MK2 36GB Blue, currently on life support
"RIP RCR..."