Woops, sorry, meant RAID1.
Oh, good. I didn't pick up on the discrepancy when I scanned your post. I was just being Mr. Doom-N-Gloom.
You probably still want to search out an identical controller, but I would say that you stand a better chance of having the controller identify one of the drives as part of a degraded mirror than having that same controller figure out a RAID-0 stripe. Some super-simple RAID devices like Arco write signatures to disk that mean they store less on the controller, but others write most everything back to flash on the controller. Pluuuus with RAID-1, you'd stand some chance of recovering data, I think, even if you couldn't get the controller to ID it.
And here I was thinking you were toast 
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.