I think Bush has been talking to Steve Jobs and learning his methods of reality field distortion.

Actually, it's not that hard to believe after talking to my brother. He's 21, not really interested in politics at all, and only goes by what he hears from TV snippets and so on. He actually thought we attacked Iraq because they were directly involved with 9/11. I was incensed when he told me that. I spent the next 3 hours trying to inform him of the reality of the situation, and explain to him why not voting for Kerry because he "threw back his purple hearts" (which isn't even factually true, he only threw his ribbons on the White House lawn) is incredibly ridiculous. He had the "Kerry is a pussy" mindset, despite the obvious opposite reality. Argh... it still infuriates me heh.

There are a hell of a lot of people who don't watch the news, or read the newspapers. And those that do watch the news probably watch local news and don't bother to fact check. The media is a sound board for campaign propaganda and don't question it, but parrot it, so it's easy to see why so many are misinformed.
|| loren ||