Hi all this is my first post so bear w/ me

. I have questions in configuring EQ's. Not being all that knowledgeable in the audio field, i'm really interested in how one knows exactly what settings to implement and why a certain adjustment needs to be made. I've read a few articles from different forums but I find myself still asking "why?" I did a search here and didn't find a post that would answer my exact questions (although my search skills aren't the greatest). Right now i'm interested in adjusting the settings on my Karma but I would also like to know how to adjust settings on different digital devices. Once I install my empeg in my car i'm going to follow SE sport driver's guide (good job btw). I understand the settings are specific to an individuals ear so I'm not expecting perfection from the configuration...more a "point me in the right direction so I have a better understanding." I've heard others mention that boosting the bands into the positive dB range in a digital EQ is not a good idea due to possible clipping...what is clipping? Also if I make adjustments by placing the bands in the negative dB range won't I have to turn the volume up much more while listening? Thanks and forgive my noob nature