What a ridiculously huge breach of confidentiality by the .org folks.
How so? IANAL.... I think we of the e-mail age have a certain sense of etiquette -- like don't take something somebody here on the BBS PM'd and then post it in a forum, but....
If a guy dialed my phone number by mistake and left a message "Hey, Bob, call me at 555-5555 if you want to get in on that armored car job tomorrow", wouldn't I be obliged to do something with that?
Taking it further, if somebody send me an e-mail by mistake -- by flubbing the address -- what obligations do I have to keep that private? Sure, if it had information that I could abuse -- a bank account number or medical information -- there would be some moral if not legal obligation, but a "cage list"?
Oh, well, it is being reported by Greg Palast. Nobody here in the US will pay any attention. Just another pinko.
Besides, it's all about winning, isn't it?
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.