No job is truly stable.

Yeah this is the other part too .. It's "relatively" stable where I am now, but that could easily change in a year or two years or hell, even six months. Whereas my dad has worked at the same place for 32 years, the thought of that is unfathomable to me.

And if I'm not doing anything particularly exciting, it means that I'm not learning new things.

I've learned a LOT working here, but I agree, a big part of boredom is finding the end of the learning opportunities somewhere. I could always find more things to work on here and make new things for myself, but there's a difference between that and having someone give you a challenge to work on (and knowing you have to figure it out). I've always said that if I look back at me-of-three-months-ago (or my-code-of-three-months-ago) and haven't felt like I've learned anything new that it was probably a sign.

It was his experience in some of the new stuff he'd learned with (b)

This was actually what is for me leading into this current job. I had been with a startup that Chapter 11'd and got bought out (I was an early member, but a bit of a peon in the scheme of things). That startup experience definitely hooked me up for this job. This one has been a much more stable company and I've had the opportunity now to work on much larger projects that the startup never would have gotten. Now I feel like I'm ready to go back to the startup armed with a lot more experience and have the chance to do it "right".