I'm in Canada, and *I* got it. I guess you don't want as much US/Hollywood content as some of us... Hehe.

US customs wanted my picture and finger prints, but they let me into the country without a problem. Canada doesn't care about my ID (which was good last year), the fact that I've been here for 28 of my 32 years & own property here (including cars and a house), collects more than 50% of my earnings (in taxes), and didn't want to let me back in the country because they thought I hadn't given them another $50 last year!*

*to get what's called a "Permanent Resident's Card" which they say I *must* have to show at the border when traveling by commercial carrier. So all my other ID (with and without picture and credit cards, etc), passport, record of landing, proof of employment at major tech company for 8 years, etc.. mean nothing. Never mind that someone else, that is NOT a resident, traveling with the same passport can get in without any problem whatsoever and don't even require so much as a visitor's permit or visa. Funny thing is that I jumped through most of their hoops, had my picture taken, paid the $50 and all. I just haven't received the ccard because they expect me to go to downtown Toronto to pick it up in person - they won't even have it for me at an office closer to home. That means taking at least half a day off work and having to put up with really crappy traffic, having to park the car god-knows where, having to stand around in line and then having to deal with someone behind a counter that treats the majority of their visitors like they're less important than an amoeba, but at the same time important enough to hold some type of grudge against.

And to think... I've just sent them $200 to become a citizen. What a joke. My opinion of this country has been wavering for a few years. but what to do? I don't have the money to move to a "paradise" country where the government is more corrupt but can be bought...

Twisted Melon : Fine Mac OS Software