Hmmmm..... That's interesting, because it means there is still a chance that someone's making spare parts, or that the engine could still be manufactured. I am not too upset about the Norton name (I should be). Still, now I can go out and research it a bit. Incidentally, I picked up a recent book covering the entire history of the Norton rotaries, so if anyone's interested, post here and I shall post the title and publisher details. It's an excellent little book, and very interesting.
As regards the wheelie... Well, it's a fair cop, guv. I confess it was accidental - I was just not expecting it. At the time I was riding a Guzzi Le Mans which had all it's weight forward - absolutely no way could you get the front end off the ground (well, not strictly true - I did see someone stand on the seat of a T3 with cow-horn bars yank the bike off the ground, but he was really
) - I opened the throttle on the rotary expecting both the same weight bias, and the same throttle spring resistance (MISTAKE!!) and found both to be rather lighter than expected. Ooops....
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners...