
If it is showing the song paused, I suspect it might not be the track that is bad. That would cause more of a reboot loop, and that would be visible on the front panel. You may want to open the unit and check to see if the display cable is completely seated on the mainboard. There might be enough contact to illuminate the display, but there may be a problem with the control path.

Also, please post a full boot log. If there is a bad chip on the display board (or in the signal path), it might show in the boot log.

Another thing to try is to control the player with hyperterminal. By sending serial commands, you should be able to advance, unpause and test the unit that way. It would eliminate the songs and non-display/control hardware.

Lastly, you might want to reload the player software or verify your config.ini through shell. It might be possible that the previous owner modified the control codes - unlikely but possible.
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs