Tried XM and the "other" in NYC at DigitalLife... Less musical selection than I have on my own players, quality obviously no better (if not worse), navigation and interface extremely sub-par on a first-impression basis, it's "radio" and you have to pay monthly for it. Yuck.

I am not too excited, but thought I might give it a go to expose myself to some new things by time-shifting (and maybe get some Bob Edwards and Air America we don't get here).

If I don't want to have a choice about what I'm listening to there are hundreds of free internet streams around (for when I'm not mobile). I just hope the focus of digital radio doesn't (continue to) de-rail other forms of mobile digital audio with built-in storage.

I can understand that negative view. I may come to it.

In fairness WRT my original post, it looks like XM's cease-and-desist was mostly trademark oriented. Still not great...but looks like most of those harassed softwares will probably resurface under modified names for those who care. I might play with this some more, but chances are it will sit idle or go to eBay if I have a temporary need for funds.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.