Well, looks like you've had a go with xPLRioNet before..

Yes, and it does lok pretty darn good... But as you say yourself:
it is not Linux based, but... there are some efforts of developing Linux applications of the xPL platform, perhaps xPLRioNet will come along there too...?!?

I'm afraid that's pretty unlikely - xPL applications seem really to have forked into .net-based ones, with API's and libraries that are *not* portable to non-windows environments (unless perhaps by using mono), and "portable" (linux, java, python) stuff.

While I'm OK running a PC or two on Win XP for those few pesky applications that don't run properly under wine, I am just not prepared to run a 24x7 server on Windows - still remember the stuttering music as the machine running the Rio server started doing the weekly virus scan...