Well, I know this seems more like option C, but since you didn't specifically say "no CDMA," I'll assume it's not out of the question.

I have Sprint and I'm happy with it. I have the Fair & Flexible plan which they've been hawking recently, and it's really a good plan. It also fits your needs.

For $70 the two of you have 800 minutes (use 'em or lose 'em minutes). That basically gives you, according to your numbers, 740 to 750 minutes a month. The great part of the plan is that if you go over, you basically get a charge of $5 that gives you another 100 minutes. If you go over than, another $5. And so on.

The downside is bluetooth. They decided not to go with the SE T608, but it's still available. I bought one and I love it despite a few faults. The only other current handset with bluetooth is the Motorola V710, which I think is a little more than you want to spend

Anyway, I thought I'd put in my two cents.