I'm planning on doing the same thing. So I was curious what 802.11 equipment you are using. Orinoco has an adapter to go from the RJ45 to one of their wireless cards, but the sucker costs about $250. Then you still have to buy a PC card or about $150. That's a little steep just to get a wireless client. I don't like the idea of putting the access point in the car and putting the client in my desktop. If you do it that way, then you only have access from the few machines that are wireless clients. Besides, some leg of the network is close to the parking lot, but my office is not within range.

The other thing I'm going to do is to rig a seperate battery to run the empeg while the car is off (so I don't completely drain the main battery). With the display server software installed, I can just park outside and my entire library is available to stream to any computer in the house or office. Too cool for words.

All I need now is for that Tuner Module to be released so I can install the empeg. I just gotta have my traffic, news talk, and groovy new songs on the radio.

Steve Bates