Oops, one of the processors I meant to link to is 64 bit, but I linked the mother board twice!

Thanks for the tip on the Asus motherboard. I heard they were great from people, but they offer so many models, I didn't know which to pick. It's about 10 dollars more than I was going to spend on the other motherboard, but I also found this deal on a CPU:
http://www.newegg.com/app/viewProductDes...ufactory=BROWSEThis is the "retail" version of the OEM chip I intended on linking to earlier today. And it's actally 3 dollars cheaper than the OEM version! Not only is it 3 dollars cheaper, but it includes a heat sync and fan, so that'll save me around 17 or 20 bucks...
What's a good brand for RAM? I'm thinking I'd rather get a good brand and settle for fewer MB's if I had to choose.