
A few months ago, I discovered that the earth for the front car pre-out wasn't.


It was suggested that one of the tracks on the board may have been burnt out if the earth of the RCA had at some point touched a live.

To solve it, I wired the screen of both RCAs to a ground point on the sled and this cured the problem for a while, unfortunately the connection between the sled and the player is not good enough so there is still sometimes a crackle as the player moves in the sled.

I took the player apart again and traced the problem to an SMT component which lies in between the earth pin relating to the front pre-out in the multiway audio connector and the earth of the board. There are two of these components, one for the front and one for the back. The back one has continuity, and the front one is open circuit.

I have attached a pic showing where the two mystery components are, and an excellent artist's impression of what they look like!.

It doesn't seem to be a capacitor as it passes DC, it doesn't seem to be a resistor because the good one registers less than 10ohms. Is it a fuse? does anyone know what it is?

Ive bridged it for the time being as I can't see this doing any more harm than connecting the RCA screens to earth as they already are.


242576-Empegboard.jpg (126 downloads)