Psion Wavefinder with Dabbar streaming to slimp3's or similar is the way to go; scheduled recording, multiple streams, epg (sometimes
The Psion Wavefinder is the ultimate lemon, I can point you to copious disatisfied customers. It does not work very well with XP and not at all with SP2. I've owned two and they are inconsistant. All sorts of fixes have been recommended: disconnecting the glowing lights; replacing the power "brick" with a regulated 12v one and quite a few others. But basically, as I say, it's a lemon. I've gone on to digital terrestial
for radio recordings on a scheduler, but that doesn't help you with BBC 7, which I agree is excellent.
If you want a Wavefinder make me an offer and I'll drop it in the post!
In answer to the thread question, I've got the Grundig for around £60 by my bed side, it's fine, and probably, as you thought, no better nor worse than any other.
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag