Heh, I guessed correctly what this will be... Your tax dollars tirelesly at work at promoting teen pregnancy and STDs

“twenty-four chromosomes from the mother and twenty-four chromosomes from the father join to create this new individual”;

At least we now know why they're so stupid, it's the extra chromosomes.

“Tell the class that the Bride price is actually an honor to the bride. It says she is valuable to the groom and he is willing to give something valuable for her.”

Are hookers valuable too? Why is it different?

One book in the “Choosing the Best” series presents a story about a knight who saves a princess from a dragon. The next time the dragon arrives, the princess advises the knight to kill the dragon with a noose, and the following time with poison, both of which work but leave the knight feeling “ashamed.” The knight eventually decides to marry a village maiden, but did so “only after making sure she knew nothing about nooses or poison.”

Moral of the story: A know nothing dumb bitch makes a good wife.

This one is good too:

One curriculum teaches that men are sexually aggressive and lack deep emotions. In a chart of the top five women’s and men’s basic needs, the curriculum lists “sexual fulfillment” and “physical attractiveness” as two of the top five “needs” in the men’s section. “Affection,” “Conversation,” “Honesty and Openness,” and “Family Commitment” are listed only as women’s needs. The curriculum teaches: “A male is usually less discriminating about those to whom he is sexually attracted. . . . Women usually have greater intuitive awareness of how to develop a loving relationship.”

I'n conclusion: Men are dumb animals, so if a relationship fails, it's the woman's fault. So Alix should be a walkin out the door any minute, since I've gained 25 pounds since he moved home and we talk too much. Oh wait, I was supposedly deprived of financial support since he took a few months off from work. Feck him.

“It is critical that students understand that if they choose to be sexually active, they are at risk” for cervical cancer.

Makes me wonder about that nun I met while I was being treated for cervical cancer. Oh wait, it would have to be an unadjusted truth for that to happen. I forgot virgins don't get cancer.

This condition is called gynecomastia and is a normal sign of hormonal changes.

Men are supposed to grow boobs too. Who knew? I guess it's time for me to go undo all that fancy northeastern evil book learnin then.

Then they've got the nerve to wonder why we don't respect them. No wonder they kick our asses in the preggo-teen competition over in the bible belt. Another PDF. It makes me wonder what Vermont and New Hampshire are doing right tho.

At least I can take comfort in knowing that my cohabitating, deliberately childless lifestyle is just as much of a threat to their marriage as gays. I was starting to feel a little left out there since they've eased up on illegal aliens and brown people.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony