I still wish it were possible in Thunderbird or Outlook to have a "keep on server" rule. I could do it in Outlook Express, so it still boggles my mind that I can't do it in any other far superior email clients. Every once and a while, I like to send an email to myself, using a particular username at my domain.com, and I used to be able to set it so that I could keep messages to that address on my server and free for me to continue to reference via webmail.

Does anyone know, in Outlook 2000, how to apply a rule that will mark a message as read? At work I get all these messages that I don't need to read, but want to sort into their own folder. I don't want to go in and mark the folder as read manually just to get rid of the notification icon. I want to leave that free for telling me if there's something I actually have to read.

Any ideas?