giving serious thought to moving there.

In that case I have to warn you that The Netherlands have changed quite a bit in the last couple of years (well, post-dot-com-crash and 9/11), and the change can be felt here in Amsterdam as well. Much less liberal, much less foreigner-friendly.

That's interesting to hear. My only experience is post 9/11. I've been there in the summer of 2003 and 2004. I wasn't attuned enough with the culture to notice a difference other then how much less my dollars were worth.

This is more than a whimsical thought for us. My wife is in school until next autumn and at that point I could probably cash out stock options and my house to have a nice chunk to start somewhere new.

Would you mind if I pestered you in email or PM with some questions? I'll be in Amsterdam from March 5-12. Perhaps we could hook up and I could chat you up? My time there has almost exclusively been in the old Centre. One of my goals this trip is get out of the toursity part and try to get a feel for the more typical Dutch life.