sorry if this seems dumb, i searched around and couldn't find anything...

i recently opened my riocar for the first time to add a second hard drive. everything went perfectly. while i was at it, i moved from 2.00 final consumer to 2.00 final dev, and put the latest hijack kernel on there (i don't know what version i was using previously). since then, there's this strange "meter" in the upper right corner of the display, on top of my visualization. it looks like a small round pill. it is not always there, and seems to appear and disappear at random. i call it a meter because it can be totally filled-in, totally hollow, or anywhere in between. for the life of me, i can't figure out what this is supposed to represent, why it's there, or how to get rid of it. can anyone enlighten me? here's my best ASCII representation of the meter: (||||| )

thanks. -spatula