I would hate to have an album worth of songs drop out of existance just because I deleted the last playlist they were referenced on.

As he said, that's precisely the intended behavior (even though I used to think it behaved the way you're asking it to). Hey, you were the one who pressed that Delete key, don't go crying to Roger. Personally, I'd like to see a warning dialog when you're deleting the last reference. It'd have to handle multiples gracefully ("Yes to all").

How dose empeg/emplode deal with circular references. I can think of a situation where two play lists wind up referencing each other and nothing else. Or even one playlist referencing itself.

Interesting question. I'd hope they'd design the Emplode user interface so that this situation can't happen without hand-mangling the database files. Haven't tried to make it happen. Anyone?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris