Rob, I've been thinking about this concept, given that we're seeing a lot of people recently complaining of "No Hard Disk Found" errors and related issues. And it does seem people want to jump straight to the header as the cause.

Perhaps it is time to rework, in a subtle way, the relevant FAQ entry in order to make clear that this is not a common problem (the header) and to give people a very VERY clear concept of what steps to take and, more importantly, in what order. This might save time (and expense and effort) for all involved. Granted, it seems to be in the correct order already, but seems as if it's a matter of "oh, and try this too", rather than "First, do this. If that fails, do this... etc. I think the FAQ entry should also include your comments regarding the criteria for suspecting the header problem.

I say this only because it seems as if the dynamics of support seem to be slightly different that when the FAQ entry was initially composed. Where the FAQ suggests contacting support to be walked through the problem, most of the non-physical support now seems to be taking place here in the open forums, even if it is still you (Rob) doing it.

Tony? Thoughts?

On the other hand, it's nice to see that people seem to be reading the FAQ!