I was expecting 25GB of files according to space show on jemplode.

Please be more specific about exactly what Jemplode showed you. Where on the screen exactly did it show you this, what were the exact characters it showed (down to the last digit and what was the suffix, was it kb, mb, gb, etc), what was selected/highlighted in Jemplode at the time you read the number, and why exactly did you expect 25 gigs to result from it?

But it only downloaded 8.5GB of files (according to windows file manager) and looking at the files it looks to be a complete download.

Again, be very specific. Did you use Windows Explorer, or Windows File Manager? What exactly did you click on to obtain this number?

And you're absolutely positive it's a complete download? What exactly did you click on in Jemplode to initiate this download?
Tony Fabris