My problem seems similar to the one in this thread:
However, every upload and sync, etc. works fine on USB.
Ethernet sync works fine as long as there's no change in the playlist. As soon as I, for instance, change the play order, ethernet sync crashes upon intialization (emplode says "while writing player configuration"). Upon reboot, the player is rebuilding all the music databases for ages and then works fine.
Yes, I checked the bootlogs and they looked unsuspicious (I can post them, if you want), yes, player and emplode versions match. I've used ethernet to upload for ages now and never had a problem. I'm not aware of any change that I have made that could lead to a crash of ethernet uploads as compared to USB uploads. Actually, I'm not aware of any changes at all since the last upload and now.
Could a change to the network infrastructure (software or hardware wise) here at the university be to blame?
32MB, serial: 10101626